In 2007, in recognition of the importance of its work, the RIN was granted a Royal Charter by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.  The Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN) is a learned society with charitable status.  Formed in 1947, its aims have always been threefold:
  • To unite all those with a professional or personal interest in any aspect of navigation in one unique body;
  • To further the development of navigation in every sphere;
  • And to increase public awareness of the art and science of navigation.
Navigation encompasses the science, the technology and the practice of getting from A-B on land, in the air, on seas and rivers, and in space.  The RIN exists to study, to practice and to inform the public about one of the broadest and most diverse subjects in the world.  In order to achieve its aims, the RIN:
  • Has a fantastic range of Special Interest Groups and regional Branches, to run events and keep members at the forefront of navigation debate;
  • Runs targeted events and international conferences, highlighting the hot issues, the best research and leading activity in the navigation industry;
  • Publishes the world-renowned Journal of Navigation quarterly, featuring academic research in navigation;
  • Publishes Navigation News, the popular bimonthly magazine covering all aspects of navigation;
  • Runs competitions to promote navigation in all areas - TopNav for general aviators, New Navigators to give navigation students a chance to show their skills to industry, Young Navigators to inspire an interest in navigation in young people etc.
  • Works closely with international bodies including the International Association of Institutes of Navigation (IAIN), the European Group of Institutes of Navigation (EUGIN), the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) to determine policy and best practice in the world of navigation;
  • Houses the Cundall Library of Navigation - the UK's leading navigation-specific library of books and resources - which is open to the public, and from which Members can borrow.

Special Interest Groups - LN&L: Land Navigation and Location Group:

The Land Navigation and Location Group covers a range of inter-related areas concerned with navigation on land,  and is the main SIG that land navigators should consider joining.  It has a wealth of knowledge and experience relating to this specialist and oldest form of navigation, including:
  • Automatic location of assets
  • Fleet management applications
  • Mobile communications
  • Navigation on foot
  • Telematics and navigation telecommunications
  • Vehicle navigation
In addition to being involved with researching, developing, proving and supplying navigation technologies and equipment, many members of the group are active navigators in some form or another.

ANG - Animal Navigation Group:
The Animal Navigation Group (ANG) provides a focal point for members interested in animal migration, orientation and navigation within the RIN.  Currently there are 186 members. The Group acts as a forum to disseminate news on animal navigation, orientation and migration through its newsletter and conferences which run on a three year cycle.  Some of the latest innovations being researched are 'Biometrics' and how these can be replicated for human use.