Mountain Emergency Care Course (MECC):

Mountain Emergency Care is the provision of pre-hospital emergency care for clinical conditions, multiple or single, that may arise from the full spectrum of outdoor hazards (trauma, medical, toxicological and environmental) at all levels of medical capability prior to definitive treatment at an appropriate in-patient facility. Mountain Emergency Care takes place across the full operational spectrum, from low-level hill walking, climbing and mountaineering for both individuals and leaders, both in the UK and abroad.

The Mountain Emergency Care Course, MECC for short, is a 2-day educational course designed to teach and assess the individual hill walker, climber or mountaineer in Level 1 skills that would be of benefit to a casualty, over and above the standard skills taught on an Emergency First Aid Course (EFA); the EFA course forms the first part of the syllabus, in accordance with an AQA/HSE Approved Training Course.

For individuals that work with children, especially those who are under 16 years old, there is an additional Duty of Care involved and individuals, tutors, teachers and leaders should have an increased understanding of the anatomy and physiology of children, as well as the mechanisms of compensation involved. For these individuals, we have written the MECC-P syllabus, or 'Mountain Emergency Care Course - Paediatric', which teaches these specific guidelines.